
Posts Tagged ‘tennessee’


One of the main ways I find all the fascinating cat news on this site is through google alerts. I get a daily email of all the mentions of the word “cat” on the internet (well, it can’t possibly be all, but I have no idea what the criteria is). This means that I read about a lot of animal abuse. Early on in the history of world wide whiskers (i.e. september), I made a decision that I would not report on the many terrible cat abuses, but they’re out there.

Today I read about one, though, that I felt was necessary to comment on.

When Jonathan Watts returned home to his Murfreesboro, Tennessee, apartment, he was shocked to find his TV smashed, his sink pulled out of the wall, and the place just generally totally trashed. But he was most surprised to find his cat, Kitty Kitty, in the freezer, covered in egg yolk.

Police think that the burglars may have been targeting the previous resident of the apartment. But let’s think about a few things here. First of all, how sick does a person have to be to douse a cat in egg yolk (cracking each individual egg) and put it in the freezer? Second of all, how little do you have to love your cat to give it a name like Kitty Kitty? Would you name your dog Doggy Doggy? Your fish Fishy Fishy? I feel for Jonathan Watts, but he needs to show his cat some kindness and give it a real name.

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